Chapter 5 DE Analysis

5.1 Generate DE results

The top_level_groups argument can be filled manually e.g. c(“ARC,” “LIV”) Otherwise, use a quick function to get all possible options and parse that:

  1. Get all unique entries in Tissue_Region and assign to variable
groups_for_DE <- seq_data$Tissue_Region %>% unique()

#View output to check
## [1] "ARC" "LHA" "VMH" "ABO" "DUO" "RUM" "LIV"
  1. Notice we use top_level_groups = groups_for_DE. Other arguments are also specific to this dataset. To see details of all of these arguments type ?auto_generate_DE_results into the Console (at bottom of screen).

This is the main step where DESeq2 is used and can take a while depending on how many samples there are.

This function will iterate over each level of top_level_groups, and will automatically detect pairwise comparisons within each top_level_groups. This is determined based on the column data and is specified by the names given to the funciton. See ?auto_generate_DE_results for specific details.

It also is set to export a lot of output files to the directory "./Outputs/". This can be turned off.

DE_out <- 
  auto_generate_DE_results(se_data = seq_data, 
                           top_level_groups = groups_for_DE,
                           top_level_colname = Tissue_Region, 
                           sample_colname = sample_names, 
                           samples_to_remove = NA,
                           DESeq2_formula_design = ~Treatment,
                           rowSums_filter = 10, #for dds filtering
                           results_contrast_factor = Treatment,
                           results_combinations = NA,
                           use_IHW_filtering = TRUE,
                           alpha = 0.05,
                           gene_annotations = gene_annot,
                           export_tables = TRUE,
                           export_dir = "./Outputs/",
                           whole_data_normalisation = FALSE)
##  ******************* Start of -  ARC *******************
## renaming the first element in assays to 'counts'
## Warning in DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(se_data0, design = DESeq2_formula_design): some
## variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors
## Beginning DESeq analysis...
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## Completed DESeq analysis.
## Plotting cooks distance...
## Cooks distance plot complete.
## Generating pairwise DESeq2 results...
## [1] "Contrast levels: LR, MAL, LAL"
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs MAL
## out of 19758 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 1, 0.0051%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 7, 0.035%
## outliers [1]       : 36, 0.18%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs LAL
## out of 19758 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 44, 0.22%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 80, 0.4%
## outliers [1]       : 36, 0.18%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment MAL vs LAL
## out of 19758 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 55, 0.28%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 124, 0.63%
## outliers [1]       : 36, 0.18%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
## Results generated.
## Plotting MA plots (default DESeq2 style for QC)...
## Finished MA plots.
## Plotting p value histograms (for QC)...
## Finished plotting p value histograms.
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## Normalised tables exported to the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...COMPLETE
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...COMPLETE
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## PIF tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - END
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## DE tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## Preparing data for output...
## List output succesfully generated.
##  ******************* END of -  ARC *******************
##  ******************* Start of -  LHA *******************
## renaming the first element in assays to 'counts'
## Warning in DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(se_data0, design = DESeq2_formula_design): some
## variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors
## Beginning DESeq analysis...
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## Completed DESeq analysis.
## Plotting cooks distance...
## Cooks distance plot complete.
## Generating pairwise DESeq2 results...
## [1] "Contrast levels: LR, MAL, LAL"
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs MAL
## out of 18718 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 2, 0.011%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 2, 0.011%
## outliers [1]       : 104, 0.56%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs LAL
## out of 18718 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 0, 0%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 0, 0%
## outliers [1]       : 104, 0.56%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment MAL vs LAL
## out of 18718 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 1, 0.0053%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 1, 0.0053%
## outliers [1]       : 104, 0.56%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
## Results generated.
## Plotting MA plots (default DESeq2 style for QC)...
## Finished MA plots.
## Plotting p value histograms (for QC)...
## Finished plotting p value histograms.
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## Normalised tables exported to the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...COMPLETE
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...COMPLETE
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## PIF tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - END
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## DE tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## Preparing data for output...
## List output succesfully generated.
##  ******************* END of -  LHA *******************
##  ******************* Start of -  VMH *******************
## renaming the first element in assays to 'counts'
## Warning in DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(se_data0, design = DESeq2_formula_design): some
## variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors
## Beginning DESeq analysis...
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## Completed DESeq analysis.
## Plotting cooks distance...
## Cooks distance plot complete.
## Generating pairwise DESeq2 results...
## [1] "Contrast levels: LR, MAL, LAL"
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs MAL
## out of 19185 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 0, 0%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 1, 0.0052%
## outliers [1]       : 40, 0.21%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs LAL
## out of 19185 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 4, 0.021%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 7, 0.036%
## outliers [1]       : 40, 0.21%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment MAL vs LAL
## out of 19185 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 1, 0.0052%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 4, 0.021%
## outliers [1]       : 40, 0.21%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
## Results generated.
## Plotting MA plots (default DESeq2 style for QC)...
## Finished MA plots.
## Plotting p value histograms (for QC)...
## Finished plotting p value histograms.
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## Normalised tables exported to the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...COMPLETE
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...COMPLETE
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## PIF tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - END
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## DE tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## Preparing data for output...
## List output succesfully generated.
##  ******************* END of -  VMH *******************
##  ******************* Start of -  ABO *******************
## renaming the first element in assays to 'counts'
## Warning in DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(se_data0, design = DESeq2_formula_design): some
## variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors
## Beginning DESeq analysis...
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## Completed DESeq analysis.
## Plotting cooks distance...
## Cooks distance plot complete.
## Generating pairwise DESeq2 results...
## [1] "Contrast levels: LR, MAL, LAL"
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs MAL
## out of 18134 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 2, 0.011%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 0, 0%
## outliers [1]       : 230, 1.3%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs LAL
## out of 18134 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 9, 0.05%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 10, 0.055%
## outliers [1]       : 230, 1.3%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment MAL vs LAL
## out of 18134 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 13, 0.072%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 8, 0.044%
## outliers [1]       : 230, 1.3%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
## Results generated.
## Plotting MA plots (default DESeq2 style for QC)...
## Finished MA plots.
## Plotting p value histograms (for QC)...
## Finished plotting p value histograms.
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## Normalised tables exported to the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...COMPLETE
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...COMPLETE
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## PIF tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - END
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## DE tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## Preparing data for output...
## List output succesfully generated.
##  ******************* END of -  ABO *******************
##  ******************* Start of -  DUO *******************
## renaming the first element in assays to 'counts'
## Warning in DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(se_data0, design = DESeq2_formula_design): some
## variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors
## Beginning DESeq analysis...
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## Completed DESeq analysis.
## Plotting cooks distance...
## Cooks distance plot complete.
## Generating pairwise DESeq2 results...
## [1] "Contrast levels: LR, MAL, LAL"
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs MAL
## out of 18958 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 466, 2.5%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 323, 1.7%
## outliers [1]       : 59, 0.31%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs LAL
## out of 18958 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 36, 0.19%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 39, 0.21%
## outliers [1]       : 59, 0.31%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment MAL vs LAL
## out of 18958 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 64, 0.34%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 146, 0.77%
## outliers [1]       : 59, 0.31%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
## Results generated.
## Plotting MA plots (default DESeq2 style for QC)...
## Finished MA plots.
## Plotting p value histograms (for QC)...
## Finished plotting p value histograms.
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## Normalised tables exported to the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...COMPLETE
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...COMPLETE
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## PIF tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - END
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## DE tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## Preparing data for output...
## List output succesfully generated.
##  ******************* END of -  DUO *******************
##  ******************* Start of -  RUM *******************
## renaming the first element in assays to 'counts'
## Warning in DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(se_data0, design = DESeq2_formula_design): some
## variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors
## Beginning DESeq analysis...
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## Completed DESeq analysis.
## Plotting cooks distance...
## Cooks distance plot complete.
## Generating pairwise DESeq2 results...
## [1] "Contrast levels: LR, MAL, LAL"
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs MAL
## out of 17655 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 207, 1.2%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 280, 1.6%
## outliers [1]       : 139, 0.79%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs LAL
## out of 17655 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 25, 0.14%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 18, 0.1%
## outliers [1]       : 139, 0.79%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment MAL vs LAL
## out of 17655 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 155, 0.88%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 205, 1.2%
## outliers [1]       : 139, 0.79%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
## Results generated.
## Plotting MA plots (default DESeq2 style for QC)...
## Finished MA plots.
## Plotting p value histograms (for QC)...
## Finished plotting p value histograms.
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## Normalised tables exported to the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...COMPLETE
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...COMPLETE
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## PIF tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - END
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## DE tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## Preparing data for output...
## List output succesfully generated.
##  ******************* END of -  RUM *******************
##  ******************* Start of -  LIV *******************
## renaming the first element in assays to 'counts'
## Warning in DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(se_data0, design = DESeq2_formula_design): some
## variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors
## Beginning DESeq analysis...
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## Completed DESeq analysis.
## Plotting cooks distance...
## Cooks distance plot complete.
## Generating pairwise DESeq2 results...
## [1] "Contrast levels: LR, MAL, LAL"
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs MAL
## out of 17765 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 28, 0.16%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 34, 0.19%
## outliers [1]       : 43, 0.24%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment LR vs LAL
## out of 17765 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 99, 0.56%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 189, 1.1%
## outliers [1]       : 43, 0.24%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
##  log2 fold change (MLE): Treatment MAL vs LAL
## out of 17765 with nonzero total read count
## adjusted p-value < 0.05
## LFC > 0 (up)       : 248, 1.4%
## LFC < 0 (down)     : 468, 2.6%
## outliers [1]       : 43, 0.24%
## [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
## see metadata(res)$ihwResult on hypothesis weighting
## Results generated.
## Plotting MA plots (default DESeq2 style for QC)...
## Finished MA plots.
## Plotting p value histograms (for QC)...
## Finished plotting p value histograms.
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## Normalised tables exported to the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...
## PIF calculations - Preparing normalised data...COMPLETE
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...
## PIF calculations - Calculating PIF data...COMPLETE
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## PIF tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## PIF calculations - END
## ./Outputs/ Directory exists
## DE tables exported to an .xlsx file in the sub-directory: ./Outputs/
## Preparing data for output...
## List output succesfully generated.
##  ******************* END of -  LIV *******************

#View sructure of DE_out object
str(DE_out, max.level = 2)
## List of 7
##  $ ARC_DESeq2_Output:List of 8
##   ..$ dds_wald_object       :Formal class 'DESeqDataSet' [package "DESeq2"] with 8 slots
##   ..$ boxplot_cooks_distance:List of 9
##   .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "gg" "ggplot"
##   ..$ DESeq2_res_object     :List of 3
##   ..$ pairwise_plots        :List of 2
##   ..$ overall_plots         :List of 3
##   ..$ normalised_data       :List of 2
##   ..$ PIF                   :List of 3
##   ..$ DE_by_PIF_df          :List of 3
##  $ LHA_DESeq2_Output:List of 8
##   ..$ dds_wald_object       :Formal class 'DESeqDataSet' [package "DESeq2"] with 8 slots
##   ..$ boxplot_cooks_distance:List of 9
##   .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "gg" "ggplot"
##   ..$ DESeq2_res_object     :List of 3
##   ..$ pairwise_plots        :List of 2
##   ..$ overall_plots         :List of 3
##   ..$ normalised_data       :List of 2
##   ..$ PIF                   :List of 3
##   ..$ DE_by_PIF_df          :List of 3
##  $ VMH_DESeq2_Output:List of 8
##   ..$ dds_wald_object       :Formal class 'DESeqDataSet' [package "DESeq2"] with 8 slots
##   ..$ boxplot_cooks_distance:List of 9
##   .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "gg" "ggplot"
##   ..$ DESeq2_res_object     :List of 3
##   ..$ pairwise_plots        :List of 2
##   ..$ overall_plots         :List of 3
##   ..$ normalised_data       :List of 2
##   ..$ PIF                   :List of 3
##   ..$ DE_by_PIF_df          :List of 3
##  $ ABO_DESeq2_Output:List of 8
##   ..$ dds_wald_object       :Formal class 'DESeqDataSet' [package "DESeq2"] with 8 slots
##   ..$ boxplot_cooks_distance:List of 9
##   .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "gg" "ggplot"
##   ..$ DESeq2_res_object     :List of 3
##   ..$ pairwise_plots        :List of 2
##   ..$ overall_plots         :List of 3
##   ..$ normalised_data       :List of 2
##   ..$ PIF                   :List of 3
##   ..$ DE_by_PIF_df          :List of 3
##  $ DUO_DESeq2_Output:List of 8
##   ..$ dds_wald_object       :Formal class 'DESeqDataSet' [package "DESeq2"] with 8 slots
##   ..$ boxplot_cooks_distance:List of 9
##   .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "gg" "ggplot"
##   ..$ DESeq2_res_object     :List of 3
##   ..$ pairwise_plots        :List of 2
##   ..$ overall_plots         :List of 3
##   ..$ normalised_data       :List of 2
##   ..$ PIF                   :List of 3
##   ..$ DE_by_PIF_df          :List of 3
##  $ RUM_DESeq2_Output:List of 8
##   ..$ dds_wald_object       :Formal class 'DESeqDataSet' [package "DESeq2"] with 8 slots
##   ..$ boxplot_cooks_distance:List of 9
##   .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "gg" "ggplot"
##   ..$ DESeq2_res_object     :List of 3
##   ..$ pairwise_plots        :List of 2
##   ..$ overall_plots         :List of 3
##   ..$ normalised_data       :List of 2
##   ..$ PIF                   :List of 3
##   ..$ DE_by_PIF_df          :List of 3
##  $ LIV_DESeq2_Output:List of 8
##   ..$ dds_wald_object       :Formal class 'DESeqDataSet' [package "DESeq2"] with 8 slots
##   ..$ boxplot_cooks_distance:List of 9
##   .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "gg" "ggplot"
##   ..$ DESeq2_res_object     :List of 3
##   ..$ pairwise_plots        :List of 2
##   ..$ overall_plots         :List of 3
##   ..$ normalised_data       :List of 2
##   ..$ PIF                   :List of 3
##   ..$ DE_by_PIF_df          :List of 3